How does brand localization work?
5 min readJul 7, 2020


Joanna Staniszewska

To prepare a brand coming into a new market we pay attention to practical aspects and tools related to content translation, adequate to the local market. We think that content, written in the most popular languages is enough to make the brand visible in different markets. Is it really true?

On one side, globalization means we have more access to knowledge since the younger generation starts using multiple languages to communicate and the technology gives us broad access to the variety of materials. On the other side, there is a difference in receiving the information and the ability to absorb information characteristic to certain cultural contexts. It is challenging to 1:1 transfer the translated information while keeping the same effectiveness and intelligibility.


What symbols or parables can we refer to, to be understood? Which idioms, metaphors, values, or narratives we can use to impact people’s imagination and be persuasive? It depends on the cultural context, which can be broken down into collective beliefs, fears built on the history, animosity, and hopes, as well as temporary feelings based on the local context in the micro or political scale. Our experiences have an influence on it. A cultural context puts us in a specific social reality. It is easy to ignore that fact when we want to push information, expecting to induce a persuasive effect that we want. Do we appropriately address the important values to certain groups? Are we aware of current micro-events that can prevent our communication or, in the worst-case scenario, change the meaning of it? Do our words mean the same thing in every culture?

Visual communication and world-view

Many years of cultural development that we surround ourselves in, established connotations and assigned meanings to certain archetypes. Changing trends have also an impact on perceiving images on a global level. Colour brings a message dependent on different cultural circles (for example turquoise is often globally associated with startups). To identify ourselves with a message we want to see ourselves on the visual images created by the brand. If our target group is open for changes, curious about the world — presenting its multicultural environment, different locations, adventures, spontaneity, travel visualization and cosmopolitan image of the world would be attractive for them, motivating them to get interested in the brand. When we address our message to people with conservative views, defending the status quo, undertaking actions to prevent natural change, referring to the past, national symbols, events, and values in the tradition, we will give this group a sense of security, therefore the desired stability.

Verbal communication and age

If we want to get the attention of the younger people, we should reach out for memes relating to what is happening here and now. Let’s appreciate subcultures and get to know their language. To be authentic, one must come from a specific subculture. It is very difficult to learn a new language, abbreviations and live symbols created in everyday online conversations. It is easier to use a person influencing the given group (influencer). In addition, all this is suspended in the education system of a country and its history. It translates into self-portrait, aspirations, and ambitions. They may be, for example, consumerism, ecology, cooperation, a struggle for survival and the dream of peace, seeking a deeper sense where material goods are not the first need. Can we take this into account from the perspective of another culture and at a distance?

The variety and cultural differences

Political correctness causes a negative evaluation of the phrase “cultural differences”. This wording shows one of the cultures as central and the other one as different from the first one. In this context, we have the main culture and we examine to what extent the other culture deviates from the original. In order to be effective in communication, but also to influence the understanding of the richness of each culture and its contribution to civilization, it is worth understanding that we communicate with people of different levels of consciousness. We understand the fact that cultures are different from each other, and at the same time, we are afraid of these differences as something unknown. It is worth looking at the richness and diversity of cultures, not the differences between them.

Communication channel adequate to the market

Local agencies who know in practice the effectiveness of individual communication channels are better oriented to the values and effectiveness of specific tools. How much is it worth investing in traditional advertising compared to digital channels? Should you settle on a campaign using opinion leaders? Relying on the experience of market practitioners can be such a big saving that the cost of outsourcing communication services on a given market will return more in comparison with an unnecessarily unspent budget. Intuition tells us that nobody will prepare a website optimization for search engines (SEO) or Google Ads campaigns better than locals based on their culture and proficiency in the language of a given market.

Employer’s brand

Creating a global brand can be a conscious strategy of positioning yourself in a company or product coming from a mature market. It makes a positive impression on the aspiring markets, also known as emerging markets. A similar tactic in relation to employer branding does not work anymore. Here, other cultural elements make themselves known — education, local situation, local competition, often better-recognized brands of employers. Education systems and differences between them are also important.

In the job advertisement, it is worth to include a picture that takes into account the multiculturalism and directly the ethnic group that is dominant in a given country. The description of the employer’s expectations or the conditions that the candidate must meet cannot be separated from the prevailing customs. It is also worth thinking more about the increasingly frequent relocation benefits.


Hiring a local agency with a proven history of success, experience in a given industry, an appropriate ethical level and cooperation-oriented for some is a bold step. Such openness, however, gives a good opportunity for profits, understood not only in terms of the brand’s profits introduced to the culturally new market. It is also an opportunity to adjust and find “your” place in this market, and in accordance with it. Confidence in the experience and efficiency of agencies in a given country and the joint development of an effective model of cooperation and communication can provide new data, insight into the market, and thus allow for more informed decisions. If you are interested in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (especially Poland), feel free to contact us. Find out how we can support you to lastingly and quickly locate your brand in these dynamically growing markets.



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We have substantial experience in digital services, understanding of trends, technologies, and audiences, as well as a strong desire for future-proof solutions.

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